Rules & Regulations

Home Rules & Regulations

All the students are notified and directed to follow the college mandatory regulations as under:
  • Do not wear crazy attire.
  • Boys should wear only disciplined outfit with shirt tucked in.
  • Girls should wear chudithar with dupatta only.
  • Students should not wear T-shirts or Jeans of any type.
  • Smoking, Consumption or possession of toxic drinks or drugs within the campus is strictly prohibited. Entering the campus after consumption of toxic drinks or drugs is also prohibited.
  • Any scribbling/ writing on the desks, drawing tables/ boards or the wall should be totally avoided.
  • Unauthorized screening of any film videos, CD & camera anywhere inside the campus is totally forbidden.
  • Boys should wear shoes of uniform colours, brown or black, no-canvas type, no-sports type and no slippers within the classroom.
  • Students should wear uniform during practical periods.
  • Everybody should wear ID card.
  • Cell phone is totally banned in classrooms while on classes if cell phone is found in while on class session possession with anyone it will be confiscated. Cell Phone was permitted only on Naan Mudhalvan sessions and NPTEL Sessions.
  • Late comers will be viewed seriously.
  • Do not Littering anywhere in the college.
  • Everybody should have high percentage of attendance i.e., more than 90% without fail.
  • Wasting your valuable time both in practical and theory classes will be viewed seriously.
  • Skipping class tests, assignments, assessment tests etc., will be treated very seriously.
  • Do not waste time in any type of non - academic activities.
  • Never indulge in ill-group activities.
  • Students should inform their progress to their parents, guardians.
  • Students must go through various notices and circulars displayed on the notice boards of the college from time to time regarding all activities including examinations, scholarships and placement opportunities.
  • Undertaking should be given against ragging.

Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
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